Dr. Shin was born in the beautiful harbor city Busan, South Korea, and graduated from the prestigious Pre-Law School of Seoul National University. When he was young, he was more interested in math and science than law; however, as the eldest son, his family expected him to study law because it was a popular way to attain wealth and power.
While Dr. Shin was studying law, his ex-girlfriend committed suicide, causing him to reflect and reevaluate his own life. He realized that he would not be able to ease people’s pain in law, so he decided to study psychology and medicine.
It was not easy as an international student at the University of Texas Health Science Center (Medical School) in San Antonio, but he stuck with it because he sought to help people with all types of pain. In his third year, Dr. Shin met Professor Houchi Dung who opened his eyes to Eastern medicine, influencing Dr. Shin’s current practice. Professor Dung wrote a groundbreaking book called, “Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach” — the first acupuncture book published in English. Impressed with Professor Dung’s approach to pain management, Dr. Shin engaged in a deeper study of Eastern medicine with Professor Dung.
Since then, Dr. Shin has met with many practitioners and experts to deepen his understanding of natural pain management techniques. After medical school, he interned at Illinois Masonic Medical Center in Chicago, finished his residency at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago, and completed a fellowship in Pain Management at the University of South Florida.
Dr. Shin has been specializing in neurology and pain management in Renton, Washington since June of 1999. Initially, he used a multidisciplinary approach including medical acupuncture, prescriptions including narcotics and other controlled substances, and various types of injections and techniques. As he continued to treat patients over the years, his practice pattern has gradually changed. Now, Dr. Shin can manage most of his patients’ chronic pain WITHOUT the use of narcotics or aggressive measures such as nerve blocks, epidural steroids injections, or surgeries. At each appointment, Dr. Shin always educates his patients on acupressure points for self-management.
Since July 2020, he has STOPPED prescribing narcotics, controlled substances, and pain pills. He truly believes that his way of practice is beneficial for patients, insurance companies, and himself as a doctor. He loves to challenge and treat difficult cases. He often says, “When I compare outcomes for my patients treated with Western medicine versus that of patients treated with Eastern medicine in my 20+ years of practice, I can confidently say that Eastern medicine benefits my patients more.” Dr. Shin has developed a unique technique based on his background in Western medicine, Eastern medicine, and JB Therapy. Dr. Shin is actively seeking medical providers to learn from him so that his techniques will continue to develop as generations pass.
His lifetime motto is “Every day is a good day.”
In his free time, Dr. Shin likes to go hiking, camping, and traveling. Check out his Instagram at @naturegossip !